Traditional, in-class training
The best place to start a learning journey. Content specialists design effective training paths based on job roles and expected learning outcomes.

Take courses anywhere

Courses can be delivered at Baker Hughes training centers, at customer premises or even remotely.

Tailored to your operations

Tailored course content includes site-specific information that enhances the value of learning.

Meaningful Content

Technical courses deal with a wide variety of information related to the operation and maintenance of Baker Hughes Equipment and Control Systems, performance monitoring and troubleshooting. Functional skills courses focus on empowering team members and leaders.
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Learn by Doing
Practical experiences enhance the effectiveness of the learning path and improve the motivation of participants thanks to the learning-by-doing methodology.
Control Panel Simulations
Control System simulators allow participants to practice on the UCP software and gain practical experiences on the control and protection logics. Control System simulation activities are offered at Baker Hughes Training centers and at customers' premises.
Hands-on activities
Practical experience concerning mechanical maintenance on a selection of real equipment available at the Baker Hughes training workshops.

Participants are allowed to perform hands-on maintenance tasks, including inspections and assembly/disassembly procedures, to improve their practical expertise.

Practical training on Control System deal with maintenance and troubleshooting activities.

On-the-Job Training (OJT) and On-Site Coaching (OsC)
On-field training services are often crucial for technicians to develop their skills.

On-the-job training (OJT) and On-site Coaching (OsC) let participants improve technical competencies by applying them in a real plant while receiving guidance and support from experts.

Preliminary assessments and final reports are available on request to monitor progress.
Next-Gen Education
Our passion lies in developing innovative solutions that improve the learning experience: eLearning modules and Virtual Reality (VR) training scenarios position us at the forefront of training for energy professionals.
Virtual Reality(VR) Solutions
Experience the world of Virtual Reality training, where virtual hands-on scenarios bring digital learning to life and foster a deeper understanding through immersive and interactive experiences.
eLearning modules
Explore a comprehensive set of eLearning modules including rich interactive videos, detailed 3D models, and dynamic animated graphs. These modules are meticulously designed to deepen knowledge and skills in the area of ​​interest. The eLearning modules cover both technical topics and energy development themes, with the aim of improving participants' awareness and confidence.